The future of scribing is here!

How can we bring even more depth to our scribing, even more value to our clients, and create even greater engagement with our audiences? How can we combine the speed and flexibility of our digital scribing service with the theatre and impact of live scribing? At Scriberia we take innovation very seriously indeed. And, through an exciting collaboration with AR specialists, Binary Mango, we might just have found the answer.

Last month’s D&AD festival was milestone for Scriberia. After years of pondering the possibilities of augmented reality and its applications, we finally saw those ambitions becoming reality.

Innovation is a key objective at Scriberia, and one of the ways we measure our success. Although all of our work is packed with fresh and original thinking, we know our clients like to break new ground as much as we do. So, we set aside a healthy innovation budget which allows us to experiment with tools, process and new technology.

Working in augmented reality has been a long held dream for us. So when we met the right partners in Binary Mango - technology developers with a passion for combining science with art - we jumped at the chance to try to make it work, as Scriberia co-founder, Chris Wilson explains:

Why AR?

“We love scribing digitally and it’s becoming more common a request. We love it because it’s flexible and editable. We can use colour more boldly, use collage and graphic elements and have more opportunity to play.

It also means the content is immediately shareable online which is great for public facing events. But the downside is that it does not have the same physical presence as traditional scribing, where an artist draws at a large wall.

We were looking for a way to bring the digital work into the physical space and augmented reality is an amazing way to do that. It gives attendees a place to gather; to explore and connect with the content using a phone or tablet. The AR elements of the work reward curiosity - the more you explore, the deeper you dive into the information. You become literally immersed in the conversation as the content appears in three dimensions.”

What does this new development say about Scriberia?

“Over the past few years, while capturing our clients’ conversations, we’ve noticed a recurring theme: the changing digital landscape and what it means for the workforce of the future. Our work in AR speaks to our belief that the future of work will be defined by an exciting blend of people and technology, the traditional and the digital. At Scriberia, we are right at the forefront of that, blending technology and creativity to tell really human stories and to make sense of the rapidly changing world.”


Is Scriberia ready to roll out?

“We’re still in the testing stage. Our first event at D&AD went brilliantly, but we’ve got to make a few minor tweaks before we feel ready to add it to our offering. So, we’re working closely with our partners at Binary Mango to finesse the experience, to make it even more engaging and intuitive.”

So, is the future of Scriberia in AR?

“We’ll never stop doing what we do best, but we can see there are so many ways that AR technology could enhance the scribing experience - in fact, we’ve got a list as long as our arms of all the ways we could build AR into all of our services.”

When will AR be ready to book?

“We’re incredibly ambitious about the potential of Scriberia and AR. We have another test event lined up at Unbound’s festival of innovation at the end of July. And, all being well, it’ll be ready to launch as part of our premium live events package in the Autumn.”

We can’t wait to put AR scribing on our menu. If you want to be a pioneer, and bring this new dimension to an upcoming event, please fill out the form below and we’ll keep you in the loop.