How to create an event marketing strategy that packs a visual punch
No modern marketer needs to be told about the power of visuals to engage an audience. The stats are everywhere, and the notable shift towards image and video content on social platforms, provides yet more proof. So, we all know that when it comes to event marketing, visuals should never be a second thought.
“We know that the brain processes the meaning of an image much faster than it does words – 13 milliseconds to be precise – and how, for many people, looking at a picture is so much easier than the tiresome task of reading text,” says Scriberia’s co-founder, Dan Porter.
When it comes to event marketing, the right visuals can attract attention (and attendees), setting the tone for communications from you and your event partners. So, whether you’re organising an industry summit for thousands of international delegates, or something smaller and more intimate, the innovative use of bespoke visuals — from avatars to installations and animations — can maximise your impact.
“To an ever-increasing extent, pictures are clutter... It takes something special to break through and really embed itself in someone’s consciousness.”
But before you raid the stock photo libraries, it’s important to note that only the right visuals will deliver the impact you’re looking for. And at Scriberia, we follow a few rules to ensure that every picture we create is a hardworking one.
“To an ever-increasing extent, pictures are clutter,” says Dan. “They reach our brain faster, but the meaning doesn't necessarily stay there. It takes something special to break through and really embed itself in someone's consciousness.
“When you think about it, if we can process an image in 13 milliseconds that’s one tough elevator pitch for your visual. So only images that are really well adapted to this brutal and competitive environment survive long enough to pass on their message.
“Context is the first consideration,” explains Dan. “If they're going to appear on a Twitter feed or in the corner of a page of dense text, they need to be punchy, clear and economical. There's no room for detail that won't be noticed and doesn't serve the main message.
Dan adds: “In a world in which the important processes, decisions and conversations that shape our lives exist in the ether in the form of code, we need to find metaphors, interesting equivalents to make them tangible and bring them to life.”
According to Scriberia’s recipe, there are two additional ingredients that can really ramp up the power of a picture. The first is intrigue:
“We try to make visuals that don’t hand the viewer everything on a plate,” explains Dan. “A picture that asks you to join a few dots for yourself, draws you in, automatically creating more powerful engagement.”
The second is humour. “It’s involving and inviting,” says Dan. “When your viewer is asking, ‘What’s in this for me?’ you’re offering something they genuinely want: a smile or a laugh possibly, but certainly a momentary challenge to their expectations, followed by a flash of realisation. This excites that part of the brain where engagement happens.”
Discover how visuals can enhance your live event, every step of the way.
- Maximise the impact of your pre-event campaigns
- Increase participation and engagement at your event
- Give your content life and purpose after your event