Out-of-this-world illustrations for the Institute of Physics

When it comes to clarifying complex concepts and captivating new audiences, we know nothing beats a picture. So, when the Institute of Physics asked us to illustrate this summer’s Moon Adventure exhibition, we leapt at it like Neil Armstrong from a lunar module.

In case you’ve been living on Mars, 2019 marks 50 years since the Apollo 11 mission first delivered humans to the moon. To celebrate, the Institute of Physics (IOP) created a family-friendly exhibition this summer - featuring illustrations by Scriberia - exploring the fascinating physics of Earth’s natural satellite and the history of space travel.

In a rapid-fire workshop session, senior visualiser and Scriberia’s resident physics nerd, Matt, and a team from the IOP set about sketching out the key concepts of the exhibition, modifying his sketches according to the client’s immediate feedback. It was a fun, fast and highly-effective way for the client to express their ideas visually, and for us to get to grips with their exacting brief.

Initial sketches were worked up into a series of ten illustrations; they were to become posters and are also featured in a beautiful little workbook for young visitors to the Institute. They invite children to ponder big questions, such as: What’s it like to be an astronaut? Where did the moon came from? And what is the future of humans in space?

We say:

This exhibition sits squarely in Scriberia’s sweet spot. Presenting big ideas, through illustration, making them more approachable, memorable and engaging is where we excel.  

They say:

“The Scriberia team delivered exactly what we wanted – a collection of light-hearted, approachable illustrations that explored some of the really big physics questions about the moon and these provided the backbone of our exhibition. They really set the tone for the whole exhibition and made it a friendly place for families to explore together.”

Toby Shannon-Smith, Public Programmes Manager, Institute of Physics