The business case for learning to think more visually


Turn on the news today and the buzzword from business leaders and politicians is “uncertainty”. The question is how do you respond to this unknowable future? Do you pull up the drawbridge and hope your traditional way of working will get you through? Or do you build the skills in your organisation to keep it flexible, creative and responsive? 

If it’s the latter you’re after, we can help. Scriberia Academy workshops are designed to support non-artists to gain the tools to work, create and communicate better through drawing and visual thinking.

Maybe you need to find a way to give dry data more energy and punch. Or make systems simple to understand. Or communicate with your customers with humanity and empathy. Or give your message clarity and life. Or turn your whiteboard notes into something more inspiring. Or boost your team’s confidence in coming up with ideas. Or pin down your vision for the future.

These are just a few of the needs that our Scriberia Academy workshop programme is designed to help meet. To explore what we could do for your team, find out about the workshops over on our Academy page.

How do you make the case to your organisation to fund a workshop for your team?


You can often make a pitch stronger by pinpointing a particular need that your new skills would support. This set of questions might help you think that through.

  • What is it that you and your team want to achieve in the next few months? What project, vision or goals are you aiming for?

  • Could Scriberia Academy training help you identify and map them, clarify them and make them more relatable and achievable?

  • Could it help you communicate them too? Could you use it to inspire and engage others to get involved in making your vision happen?

  • How else could you use your new skills, for example, in learning and remembering new information, or coming up with new ideas?

  • And could you use those skills to enrich your wider life?

When you’ve made your case, we can run the workshops at your venue or at our Inktank space (pictured above) and tailor them to your needs. Explore our Academy page to find out more.