Capturing success: NHS virtual away day

In recent times, logistical, financial and environmental considerations have made many organisations think twice about away days, meetings and conferences. But, in the days of Coronavirus lockdown, bringing hundreds of people together in a single location is simply an impossibility.

So, for all of our clients who are trying to figure out whether remote or virtual events can have the same impact as live ones, we thought we’d share our illustrated summary of a huge - and hugely successful - virtual away day, hosted by the team at the NHS Improvement Directorate: proving that even when virtual away days are the only option, they are a great option.

For the first time, their annual away-day event was transferred online, allowing their attendees to attend sessions, post comments and participate virtually through WebEx. The day was a massive success, with some staggering figures emerging about the savings and benefits.

 To capture this, we utilised the key stats from the day, and distilled the event into a form ripe for sharing. The Improvement Directorate now has a brilliant tool to visualise the success of their event, to evaluate its usefulness and to share their experience with other departments. 

This is one of the many ways that businesses can move their events online. When challenges arise to holding physical meetings or events, visually summarising an event, or indeed live scribing it, provides the perfect tools to unite your team, make ideas tangible and keep your business moving.

We say:

Working on this infographic in March, it was clear to us that the future of virtual conferencing was bright. But, despite the many tangible logistical, environmental and financial benefits, we didn’t foresee just how quickly the world would have to embrace the virtual and remote options available to them. We hope you find this example as inspiring as we did. Not only can it be done, it can be done brilliantly.

They say:

To find out more about how it was done: what worked and what could be done differently next time, check out this indispensable guide by NHS Horizons, head of product, Olly Benson.

Talk to us to find out the many ways we can support you in your transition from live to virtual events. Just fill out the form below and we’ll get right back to you.